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“I know GOD can do anything for OTHERS but is HE really WILLING to help ME?”
Does God really care about MY LIFE?
Which is it? Does God want to LOVE me or SLUG me?
You know, this story of the man with leprosy is in the Bible only because God wanted to reveal His character to us once and for all. He didn’t want us to be in the dark when it came to His will. And what’s more, Jesus didn’t want us to question whether or not He was truly willing to help us!
Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy
In the story, the leper comes to Jesus, vulnerable and with humility, to seek healing, but he still questioned whether or not God WANTED to heal him. The leper knows all too well how much he was suffering, so he puts himself out there, probably embarrassing himself. He kneels publicly before Jesus.
So…here we finally find out if Jesus will turn the leper away and reject his desire, or whether He would welcome Him with open arms and heal him! Almost afraid to breathe, the leprous man waits on his knees before Jesus and all the people gathered around Him.
What happens next is no surprise. The Bible says Jesus REACHED OUT and TOUCHED THE LEPER (something that was forbidden by society) and He lovingly tells this man the words many of us need to hear today.
And at that moment, the leprosy instantly disappeared.
Today, you might be wondering if Jesus really cares about your struggles and what you are going through. I have got good news: He does.
Jesus is never changing, which means that He is always the same: yesterday, today and forever. Today Jesus desires to help and love you through whatever you are going through. Today, He still is willing!
Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. “I am willing” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleaned of his leprosy. (Matthew 8:3)
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